Thursday, January 31, 2013

 One of the comments that I get from some of my customers is "how can we make our rain barrel pretty?" We always give step by step instructions  on how to pain the rain barrels and in some cases will paint them for our customers. But we always encourage the customer to give it a try themselves, after all you can always repaint them if you are not happy. We are also going to be selling a new product for 2013. We have teamed up with a new small company here in Sedgwick County called Victory Gardens. Bryan Mann and Clay Johnson have started making Eco friendly long lasting raised garden beds with trellaces that can be attached for vertical gardening & the have started making rain barrel screens. The screen fits snugly around the rain barrel covering it up but still allowing the spigot to poke through for easy access.
Wichita Rain Barrel Screen

 Here is some impressive news and GREAT SUPPORT for Rain Barrel usage.

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